Sunday Snippets

Sunday Snippets is a gathering of Catholic bloggers at RAnn’s This, That and the Other Thing. (Come check it out!) This week, she instituted a question of the week, beginning with: Introduce Yourself!

Well, I did that via blog post. (Sorry. It just kind of happened.)

Other posts this week:

On the Need For A Recovery Day

We aren’t losing people because of worship. We’re losing them because of hypocrites. This post took off like I never thought one of mine would. Wow.

And 7 Quick Takes in Cute Pictures, in which I lead off with a day in the life of Michael Mayhem.

Hope to see you in the roundup! Although if you’re on BlogSpot, chances are I can’t comment at the moment. Grr. The instructions Google sent me to explain why my computer isn’t allowed to talk to BlogSpot read like Greek to me. So I’ll do my best, but if I don’t comment that’s why.