From the Archives: October 2011

Kate with kidsRAnn, of This, That & The Other Thing, has been having fun digging into her archives lately, and she invited us to join in. It’s been so much fun to read her favorites that I decided that was the perfect way to end this cooped-up, snowy, non-productive day: just have some fun.

In October 2011 I was waxing philosophical over family. Mostly my children….

A holy moment with Nicholas in line for confession

A reflection on Julianna’s laugh, which seems particularly appropriate to re-share today since she sat on my lap to read “Bear Snores On” earlier today and I was just melting over her silvery giggle again…

I was also coming up on Michael’s birth, which caused a whole different kind of reflection. The freaking out kind. In fact, two of them. ….

…but I also had time to post about something I realized about my dad, and how much like him I am. ….

…and a quintessential writer-mama moment: the editorial meeting with kids in tow. Kids who haven’t napped. 🙂

If this sounds like fun, head on over to RAnn’s place for more!